What We Do
Dedicated TOS members and friends worldwide contribute in time and funds to assist local projects which help impoverished and needy communities and individuals. Reports on the international work of the TOS can be found in the pages under ‘Articles’ and also at TOS International. TOS UK members help to support those in need, from their neighbours and local groups, to raising funds for community projects in the UK and Europe and in developing or troubled countries worldwide.
Emergency Aid
When Haiti was struck by the devastating earthquake, funds were sent immediately for disaster Relief work. Following the severe draught in the Horn of Africa, funds were sent to the TOS in Kenya, for emergency feeding of the refugees from Somalia who had gone there. And when the tsunami struck on Boxing Day in 2004, funds were sent immediately to Adyar, India for relief work and for the cost of a water purification plant in Sri Lanka.
At such times, many members and sympathisers contact us, concerned as to how they can help and emergency funds are quickly raised for sending out to support the relief work in affected areas, often undertaken by TOS workers and in collaboration with local community groups. Funds are targeted where we know they will be effective and directly reach those in need.
Teddies for Tragedies
Many members and friends of the TOS UK, their families, local schools and groups, knit Teddies on a regular basis, and to date we have sent over 21,000 Teddies to babies and children in areas of famine, poverty and disaster around the world. A Teddy shows them they are cared for and loved by someone. Carers and doctors report that the health and well-being of children and babies recover much better when they have something to cuddle. more information...
Projects Supported by TOS UK
Other projects which TOS members consider worthy of support are also considered from time to time and some of those which have been supported are listed below.
Besant Animal Welfare Dispensary, Adyar, Chennai, India.
Olcott Memorial High School, Adyar, Chennai, India.
Women's Aid. Adyar, Chennai, India.
Dr Sunita Maithreya's Free Medical Dispensary, Adyar, Chennai, India.
Seeing Eyes for Everyone, (S.E.E.) Adyar, Chennai, India. S.E.E. Project
The Order of the Round table, for children.
Cardio Start (www.cardiostart.com)
The Cleft Lip & Palate Association. (CLAPA)
Dr Hadwen's Trust ( www.drhadwentrust.org.uk)
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme for Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)
Prison Phoenix Trust
Peace Mala UK
Centre for Animals & Social Justice (Uncaged)
Muslim Global Relief (www.muslimglobalrelief.com) for supplying drinking water in Africa.
Joy Bells Orphanage and School Foundation, India.
Greyhound Rescue Centre in Anglesey.
TOS Home Schools in Pakistan.
Golden Link College, Philippines.