
General funds are raised through donations, table top ‘bring and buy’ sales, raffles, secret auctions, entertainment evenings and concerts, usually at Theosophical events.

Individual members and friends donate their time as well as funds and some travel across the world in support of TOS activities. A proportion of the funds raised are set aside for emergencies and disasters.

If you would like to organise a fund-raising event please get in touch with us. Your initiative will be warmly welcomed and supported.

Please take advantage of this occasion to present some special opportunities to your fellow members, friends and family so they can also enjoy participating in TOS work. You might consider:

Organising an afternoon tea for members and friends of the TOS.
Collecting small items or baking for a ‘bring and buy’ table top sale.
Raising funds e.g. from a sponsored run or other activity.
Submitting a letter to the editor of your local paper mentioning the work of the TOS and inviting readers to get in touch with you.
Announcing the formation of a new group within the TOS: healing, arts and music, peace, theosophical parenting, etc.
Publishing a booklet in the name of the TOS on one of our themes: animal protection, ecology, prison reform, theosophical education, etc.
Organising a group to do something for your local TS branch: the planting of a tree, for instance.
Producing a play illustrating theosophical principles.
Proposing the 'adoption' of a child in a TS or TOS school (payment of their annual fees and in some cases a daily meal).
Making a special gift to a charitable cause that your TOS group supports.

Please let us know what you are planning so we can help to support your efforts. Thank you in anticipation.